Versatile mince!

Hi! Too hot to do much else, so I’ve been browsing through my long-gone Mum’s old cook books.

They are so old that there is not one Asian dish, no chilli and only two very British curries, in all the beef sections.

Oh my, how far we’ve come! ……….. But not everybody has been able to keep up.

Some older folk don’t do Google, and some would never watch a cooking show on telly. One elderly man recently commented on there being so much mince, even on half a side of small Dexter beef, that “you get sick of gravy mince and mash.”.

At first I thought he was joking. He wasn’t! Some people are happy with mince and mash every day, especially kids, but now I am on a mission to provide this bloke with simplified versions of “100 ways to use premium beef mince.” (Well, nearly 100.)


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